npm install
npm run build
#you may need to npm install tsc -g in order for 'npm build' to succeed
npm start [args]
node dist/index.js [args]
npm link
Usage: xxexploiter.ts [command] [options]
xxexploiter file [file_to_read] Use XXE to read a file
xxexploiter request [URL] Use XXE to do a request
xxexploiter expect [command] Use XXE to execute a command through PHP's expect
xxexploiter xee [expantions] Generate a huge content by resolving entities
Fuzzing Specific Options
-f, --fuzz Enables fuzz options. Use {{FUZZ}} placeholder in the command arg for the magic.
-w, --wordlist Path to a wordlist to be used with the fuzz command
-y, --success-string String to search for a success response in the requests
-n, --error-string String to search for an error response in the request
--version Show version number [boolean]
-s, --server Server address for OOB and DTD
-p, --port Server port for OOB and DTDs. Default: 7777
-t, --template path to an XML template where to inject payload
-m, --mode Extraction Mode: xml, oob, cdata. Default: xml
-e, --encode Extraction Encoding: none, phpbase64. Default: none
-o, --output Output for the XML payload file. Default is to console
-x Use a request to automatically send the xml file
-X, --request-output Output the response from -x option. If not defined goes to stdout
-h, --help Show help [boolean]